27 April 2016

Free Release: One Page Dungeon Contest 2016

Three years after my first entry into that prestigious contest on pen & paper adventure design, this is my second attempt to leave my mark:

The Lair of the Voidbeast - a Non-Euklidean Dungeon

It's inspired by this and the follow up. Folded into a cube that you might wanna hide behind a screen it could potentially flabbergast and bamboozle players who like to draw maps while exploring. Next up: A remake of my first One Page Dungeon, after having learned a bit more on design and legibility...

18 April 2016

Free Release: Low Res Dungeoneer

So, Niels and I did it again. After Choose Your Own CaveVenture we collaborated on another game project. It was another game-jam as well, the #LowRezJam2016. Only rule was that the resulting game should not exceed 64 by 64 pixels.

We did what we do best: A roguelike. I whipped up a quick design doc outlining everything and then made the Pixel Art. Niels, as usual, did the coding. See for yourselves, it's playable in your browser if you have a functioning Unity Web Player and there is a downloadable Windows-Version if you don't:
Here you go!